


French Min Foreign Affairs J Y Le Drian Algeria (Source: Twitter)
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USPA NEWS - French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean Yves Le Drian delivered remarks after the hearing with the Algerian President Abdlemajid Tebboune. We publish the full text of his remarks Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to come back to Algeria. I had the pleasure and the honor of speaking at length with President Tebboune and with my counterpart Minister Lamamra. I would like to thank them for their warm welcome. It was important for me to go to Algiers for a working visit and to assess the bilateral relationship. This trip has the dual objective of renewing a relationship of trust between our two countries, a relationship marked by respect for each other's sovereignty, but also to look to the future to work on the revival and deepening of our partnership. , which is essential. France and Algeria have deep ties, animated by the density of human relations between Algerians and French, and anchored in a complex history." Source: French Foreign Affairs Ministry

French Foreign Affairs Min. Jean Yves Le Drian
Source: TV5 Monde
STATEMENT TO THE PRESS BY JEAN YVES E DRIAN MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AFTER HIS HEARING WITH ABDELMAJID TEBBOUNE PRESIDENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC AND PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA ALGIERS DECEMBER 8, 2021--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to come back to Algeria. I had the pleasure and the honor of speaking at length with President Tebboune and with my counterpart Minister Lamamra. I would like to thank them for their warm welcome. It was important for me to go to Algiers for a working visit and to assess the bilateral relationship. This trip has the dual objective of renewing a relationship of trust between our two countries, a relationship marked by respect for each other's sovereignty, but also to look to the future to work on the revival and deepening of our partnership. , which is essential. France and Algeria have deep ties, animated by the density of human relations between Algerians and French, and anchored in a complex history. I expressed the wish to work to remove the blockages and misunderstandings that may exist between our two countries. During our discussions, we agreed to resume a certain number of cooperations. This will result in the resumption of an operational dialogue between partners on human and migration issues. This will also result in the resumption of an operational dialogue on the fight against terrorism and this will finally translate into our joint efforts to ensure the security of our two countries.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We hope that the dialogue that we are relaunching today can lead to a resumption of political exchanges between our governments in 2022. Beyond the wounds of the past, which we must face in the face, beyond the misunderstandings, that we comes back to overtake, I hope that our two countries together resume the path of a peaceful relationship and can look to the future.cI would like to reiterate here that Algeria is an essential partner for France bilaterally, but also regionally. We intend to continue to coordinate our diplomatic initiatives to promote the political transition process in Libya, following the Paris conference at which Minister Lamamra represented President Tebboune.---------------------------------------------------------------- We also took stock of the situation in Mali where Algeria plays an important role. Algeria’s engagement in the implementation of the peace and reconciliation agreement is an essential element of the peace process in Mali. I would like to salute this commitment here and I hope that our dialogue will continue on this subject. France and Algeria together face major challenges in an uncertain regional and international environment. We must be able to offer operational responses to the challenges posed by terrorism in the Sahel region, but also illegal immigration, as well as the challenges of economic development. On all these subjects, and because our interests are common, our consultation is essential. That was the meaning of my presence today in Algiers. Thank you." Source: French Foreign AffairsMinistry  
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