


French President Macron TV Remarks (Source: TV caption BFM )
French President Macron Elysee Doorstep
(Source: Jedi Foster, RSR)
USPA NEWS - The French President, Emmanuel MACRON addressed a speech to the nation this evening at 8:pm, Prime Time, on French Channel broadcasts, to report on the situation of the conflict in Ukraine. He had already made an allowance on February 24, the day of the Russian attack in Ukraine.
This time president MACRON explained that« Neither France, nor Europe, nor Ukraine, nor the Atlantic Alliance wanted this war » and that "France is not at war with Russia" that " French, my dear compatriots, since the brutal attack launched by President PUTIN against Ukraine on February 24, Russian forces have been bombarding Kiev, besieging the most important cities of the country. Hundreds of Ukrainian civilians have been killed. Women and children have been killed again today. The days to come will probably be harder and harder. Hundreds of thousands of refugees are fleeing to Moldova, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and gradually the rest of Europe. In this unprecedented ordeal for many decades, we stand by Ukraine's side. Tonight I salute the courage of the Ukrainian people who are resisting under fire. And on your behalf, I extend to President Volodymir ZELENSKY the fraternal support of France."
Russia Flag
Source: Wikimedia
The French President, Emmanuel MACRON addressed a speech to the nation this evening at 8:pm, Prime Time, on French Channel broadcasts, to report on the situation of the conflict in Ukraine. He had already made an allowance on February 24, the day of the Russian attack in Ukraine.This time president MACRON explained that« Neither France, nor Europe, nor Ukraine, nor the Atlantic Alliance wanted this war » and that "France is not at war with Russia" that " French, my dear compatriots, since the brutal attack launched by President PUTIN against Ukraine on February 24, Russian forces have been bombarding Kiev, besieging the most important cities of the country. Hundreds of Ukrainian civilians have been killed. Women and children have been killed again today. The days to come will probably be harder and harder. Hundreds of thousands of refugees are fleeing to Moldova, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and gradually the rest of Europe. In this unprecedented ordeal for many decades, we stand by Ukraine's side. Tonight I salute the courage of the Ukrainian people who are resisting under fire. And on your behalf, I extend to President Volodymir ZELENSKY the fraternal support of France. He is today, at the head of his brave people, the face of honor, freedom, bravery." President Macron, said by way of introduction to his speech. We publish the full text of the President Macron's speech a it was exactly delivered.------------------------------- "RUSSIA IS NOT ATTACKED, IT IS THE AGGRESSOR SAID PRESIDENT MACRON “Neither France, nor Europe, nor Ukraine, nor the Atlantic Alliance wanted this war. On the contrary, we have done everything to avoid it. As you know, I have since 2017 conducted a demanding and constant dialogue with President PUTIN. And faced with the worsening of tensions, I went to Moscow and then to Kiev on February 7 and 8 to seek alternatives to armed conflict. Several other European leaders have also supported this effort. The President of the United States of America has expressed his availability to negotiate after having physically met President PUTIN in June 2021 in Geneva. It is therefore quite alone and deliberately that, denying one by one the commitments made before the community of Nations, President PUTIN chose war. This war is not a conflict between NATO and the West on the one hand and Russia on the other, as some may write: there are no NATO troops or bases in Ukraine. These are lies. Russia is not attacked. She is the aggressor. »
Source: NATO
"FIGHTING AGAINST NAZISM OVER A PROPAGANDA IS A LIE AND AN INSULT TO THE HISTORY OF RUSSIA AND UKRIANE SAID PRES. MACRON « This war is even less, as an unsustainable propaganda would have us think, a struggle against “Nazism”. This is a lie. An insult to the history of Russia and Ukraine, to the memory of our elders who fought side by side against Nazism. Russian leaders attack the memory of the Holocaust in Ukraine. As they attack in Russia the memory of the crimes of Stalinism. This war is the fruit of a spirit of revenge, nourished by a revisionist reading of the History of Europe, which would like to send it back to the darkest hours of Empires, invasions, exterminations. To this flagrant violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of a European country, France and Europe responded immediately, unanimously, firmly. We did this in close coordination with the British, Canadians, Americans, Japanese and so many other countries. First by supporting the Ukrainian people with humanitarian convoys as well as the delivery of material and equipment to defend themselves. Then, by acting with the other Nations so that the Russian leaders hear that the choice of war would put their country on the ban of the peoples and of History. A resolution was passed in the United Nations Security Council on violations of international law committed by Moscow. And this very afternoon, the General Assembly of the United Nations condemned this aggression by an overwhelming vote. The international community has thus shown its unity. Russian sports teams have been barred from major international competitions and many major sporting and cultural events have been cancelled. We continue and will continue our relentless work to lead nations on all continents to condemn the invasion, to demand a ceasefire and respect for humanitarian operations on Ukrainian soil. We have taken quick and proportionate sanctions against Russia and its leaders. The assets of several hundred Russian personalities close to power have thus been frozen in France and abroad. Several large Russian banks have been excluded from international payment systems, making many transactions impossible and leading to the fall of the rouble. The Russian propaganda organs have just ceased broadcasting in Europe. On the ground, we have given ourselves the means to protect our nationals by organizing the transfer of our embassy from one city to another in Ukraine and by allowing all French people or dual nationals who so wish to be able to leave the country within as fast as we can. Here, on your behalf, I want to thank all the diplomats, police, military and state agents who continue to lead this effort and support our compatriots in Moldova and at the main exit points from Ukrainian territory. I would also like to thank all the journalists who courageously cover the conflict and thus work for freedom of information for all citizens of the world. Finally, we participated in the effort within the framework of NATO to protect the security and sovereignty of our European allies by strengthening the military presence that we already have in the Baltic States and in the region. Thus, several hundred French soldiers arrived on Romanian soil yesterday. »
EU Leaders Brussels, End Februrary 22
Source: European Council
"WE ARE NOT AT WAR AGAINST RUSSIA" DIPLOMACY WILL CONTINUE AND SANCTIONS TO RUSSIA'S POLITICAL LEADERS" SAID PRES. MACRON “Diplomatic initiatives, sanctions against the political and economic leaders of Russia, support for the Ukrainian population will thus continue and intensify with the aim of obtaining a cessation of the fighting. However, that doesn't mean we're at war with Russia. We know everything that binds us to this great European people that is the Russian people, who sacrificed so much during the Second World War to save Europe from the abyss. Today we stand alongside all Russians who, refusing to allow an unworthy war to be waged in their name, have the spirit of responsibility and the courage to defend peace; and who make it known in Russia and elsewhere. This is why if I constantly exchange with President ZELENSKY, I have also chosen to stay in touch and will stay in contact as much as I can and as much as necessary with President PUTIN. To tirelessly seek to convince him to give up arms to help as much as France can in the ongoing talks and to prevent the contagion and widening of the conflict as much as we can. The balances of our continent, like several aspects of our daily lives, have already been upset by this war and will experience profound changes in the months to come. Our Europe will be shaken up. I will have the opportunity to come back to it. Several hundred thousand refugees from Ukraine are and will be welcomed on our continent. France will take its share. And here I want to thank our towns and villages that have started to mobilize. Thank our associations, which also work to welcome in the best conditions. We organize ourselves and we will take care of those who join our soil to be protected. France will also do its part by welcoming children forced into exile, separated from their fathers who remained in the fight, in close collaboration with the associations and NGOs already working on the spot and in our country. »
Flag European Union/ Ukraine
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
"OUR AGRICULTURE IS ECONOMIC SECTORS WILL SUFFER" NEARLY ANNOUNCED. MACRON “Our agriculture, our industry, many economic sectors are suffering and will suffer, either because they depend on imports of raw materials from Russia or Ukraine, or because they export to this country. Our growth, now at its highest, will inevitably be affected. The increase in the price of oil, gas and raw materials has and will have consequences on our purchasing power: tomorrow the price of a full tank of gas, the amount of the heating bill, the cost of certain products may weigh down again. So faced with these economic and social consequences, I have and will have only one compass: to protect you. We will support the most exposed economic sectors by seeking new suppliers and new business opportunities. And it is to this end that I have spoken with American, European and Middle Eastern counterparts. We will provide appropriate responses to disruptions in trade flows and rising prices. And I have asked the Prime Minister to draw up, for the next few days, an economic and social resilience plan to respond to all these difficulties. But make no mistake. These events will not only have immediate consequences, within a few weeks. They are the signal of a change of era. » "WAR IN EUROPE NO LONGER BELONGS TO OUR HISTORY BOOKS IT IS HERE BEFORE OUR EYES" The war in Europe no longer belongs to our history books or school books, it is there, before our eyes. Democracy is no longer considered an indisputable regime, it is being called into question, before our eyes. Our freedom, that of our children, is no longer a given. It is more than ever a system of courage, a constant fight. To this brutal return of the tragic in History, we must respond with historic decisions. Our country will therefore increase the investment in its defense decided on in 2017 and will continue its strategy of independence and investment in its economy, its research, its innovation, already reinforced in the light of the pandemic. Our Europe, in this ordeal, demonstrates, as it has done in recent months, a remarkable unity. It must now agree to pay the price for peace, freedom and democracy. It must invest more to depend less on other continents and be able to decide for itself. In other words: to become a power, more independent, more sovereign. Economic power first. »
Elysee Palace
Source: Jedi Foster & RSR
"WE CAN NO LONGER DEPEND ON OTHERS TO FEED US CURE US INFORM US FUND US" PRES SAID. MACRON “We can no longer depend on others to feed us, heal us, inform us, finance us. This is why, following on from the decisions taken at the height of the pandemic with the European recovery plan, we will have to promote a new economic model based on independence and progress. Energy power, then. We can no longer depend on others and in particular on Russian gas to move us, to heat us, to operate our factories. This is why, after having decided for France, the development of renewable energies and the construction of new nuclear reactors, I will defend a strategy of European energy independence. Power of peace, finally. We cannot depend on others to defend us whether on land, at sea, under the sea, in the air, in space or cyberspace. In this respect, our European defense must take a new step. On March 10 and 11, I will bring together the European Heads of State and Government in Versailles for a summit which will have to decide on these subjects. Already, our Europe has shown unity and determination. She has entered a new era. We must continue. » "THE WAR IN UKRAINE MARKS A BREAKTHROUGH FOR OUR CONTINENT AND OUR GENERATIONS" CONCLUDED PRES. MACRON “My dear compatriots, The war in Ukraine marks a rupture for our continent and our generations. I know how much she worries you, legitimately. It mobilizes us and will require us to make decisions. I will let you know. This war is also impacting our democratic life and the electoral campaign which officially opens at the end of this week. This campaign will allow an important democratic debate for the Nation but which will not prevent us from meeting on the essentials. I know I can count on you, your attachment to freedom, equality, fraternity, the place of France in the world. » Source: Elysee French Presidency, exactly as it was delivered.
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